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RV Education 101 September 2008 Newsletter

  • Friday, September 12 2008 @ 10:05 pm UTC
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RV News and Stories

The RV Education 101® Newsletter
Learning RV's the Easy Way by Video

Volume 53 - September 2008

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View KOA Clip
Kampgrounds of America (KOA)
proudly sponsor and are happy to endorse
RV Education 101, the leaders in the RV education arena.

Explorer RV Insurance Agency also
Proudly Endorses & Sponsors RV Education 101

Drive Your Motorhome Like a Pro DVD
Drive Your Motorhome Like a Pro DVD is your complete video guide to professional driving techniques for beginners to experienced drivers. It takes commercial driving training techniques and converts them to layman's terms, and it explains basic rules so you can apply them to any vehicle you might drive.

Want the Book AND the DVD as a SET? You will really learn how to Drive like a Pro!

Hi Dawn,
I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! Last Thursday, I just purchased an 08 Georgetown Forest River 373 37' 6". I had reviewed your dvd over and over again and again prior to this purchase and I wanted to say I was able to drive this beast off the lot and the next day drove from Maryland to Nags Head NC for 5 days of camping. I used your techniques and they worked as I found myself going through tunnels, rain, heavy traffic, and tight turns. I really wanted to say thank you. As a woman, the men at the campgrounds said to me you drove that big rig? I told them yes and it is easy. I also told them about your website too.


"By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail." - Ben Franklin

Winterizing and Storing your RV DVD
How much does your RV dealer charge to winterize your RV? Have you ever wanted to take a trip in your RV but canceled it because the RV was winterized and you didn’t want to pay to have it done again? Once your RV is winterized how do you put the RV in storage until next spring? Could you learn how to winterize your own RV? Protect your investment and discover how easy it is to properly winterize your RV and put it in short or long term storage.


Hi everybody,
I would like to start by thanking each and every one of you who have purchased my book, The RV Book, in the past couple of years. Recently we hit a milestone with The RV Book, selling over 36,000 copies since the first printing in 2005. I have been told that this is quite a feat for a self-published how-to type book. I would also like to thank all of the retailers and our affiliates who have helped to make this possible. The top retailers of The RV Book are Wal-Mart, Camping World Super Centers, The rvbookstore.com and of course rveducation101.com.

I mentioned last month that we were continuing to work with Explorer RV Insurance Agency to produce some free educational video clips on RV insurance related issues. For anybody considering traveling internationally in their RV we just finished a video clip that will help you understand your insurance needs for international travel. The video clip is available for viewing further down in this newsletter. All of the RV insurance video clips are available at our new RV Insurance Corner on our web site. I hope you enjoy them and more importantly learn something from them.

Be sure and read this months feature article where I discuss how to prepare your RV for winter storage, and "Just a Reminder" Don't forget to tune into RVTV on the Outdoor Channel for some great RV viewing and for my RV Savvy segments and quick tips. New RVTV shows air Tuesday @ 11:00 AM, Friday @ 3:30 AM and Saturday @ 2:30 PM

I need your input. I am working on a magazine article about how RVers can RV green. I am looking for any input on what we as RVers can do to give back to the environment and help protect all of the wonderful places we visit in our RV's. So, if you have any any ideas, suggestions or comments on green RVing go here and let me know what they are.

Last but not least don't forget to participate in this months RV Poll, Do you RV green? To vote in the RV poll visit our sister site RVUniversity.com

I hope you enjoy the newsletter
Until next month Happy Camping!

RVING WITH MARK POLK ~ Feature Article: RV Storage

The 2008 camping season is winding down for lots of us, and it’s time to think about storing our RV for the winter months ahead. The most important aspect of storing your RV is .....

Read the Rest of the Story

"Hello, Mark, I have purchased your Winterizing & Storage video and find it very thorough and easy to understand. When it was sent to me, it included a checklist which I found to be quite handy when doing my winterizing.
Thank you!!! Mike Barnett

RV Winterizing and Storing your RV DVD -By: Mark Polk

RV Education 101 Hits Milestone Selling Over 35,000 Copies of The RV Book ..
RV How-To book by RV Education 101 sells beyond expectations. Self-published author Mark Polk sells over 36,000 copies of "The RV Book" through major retailers like Wal-mart, Camping World Super Centers and top performing websites like rvbookstore.com Read More....

by Peggi McDonald, Author of RV Living in the 21st Century

RVs are not meant to carry an abundance of extras — they have weight limits. One summer we off-loaded unnecessary collectibles into a temporary shed. It became obvious we had much more stuff than we needed, even though in my seminars I stress that RVers should remove all things not used in the past year. We went through our unit once and then repeated the process. It took two overstuffed carloads to transfer everything to our permanent storage unit. Only then did we realize how many unnecessary items (and extra weight) we had been carrying. Take a look around your own unit and eliminate all the extras. Overloading stresses every component of your RV from the brakes to the tires to the handling, etc.

This book is for the new or experienced RVer. There are so many tips from “how to” subjects as well as practical advice on "what to do" when you have medical problems on the road, and how to choose an emergency roadside service. The security tips for your house while you are away and health & safety tips are just a couple of subjects out of many that are invaluable and give you peace of mind! There is so much information we couldn't possibly list it all. RV Education 101 highly recommends this book: RV Living in the 21st Century

Also, get lots of great tips from Peggi's instant download e-book RV Packing Tips, E-book

Have some spare time on your hands? Do a play & learn RV Crossword Puzzle!

Coach Care RV Service Centers

Arm Yourself with Qualified RV Buying Information, Before you Buy Your RV! ....
Q: Why would anybody want to pay the interest on a 15 or 20 year loan?

Mark Says: The biggest advantage of a long term loan is you get a lower monthly payment. Financing $100,000 for 240 months at 7% interest would be $775 a month. The same loan for 120 months would be $1,161 a month. You save almost $400.00 a month. But keep in mind you will have little or no equity if you try to trade within the first several years. There are several things you need to consider when you determine what the best term would be for you:
1) How much can you afford to pay every month? The term of the loan directly affects the monthly payment.
2) How long do you plan to keep the RV? If you only plan to keep it for 3 or 4 years you won’t be paying all of the interest anyway. The downside to this is you won’t have any equity built up in it either.
3) If you plan to refinance the loan, or pay the loan off before the full term, a longer term loan would probably make more sense.
4) If you plan to keep the RV for the life of the loan a shorter term loan might be better for you. Make sure you can handle the higher monthly payments and the more you can put down initially the better.

Insider's Guide to Buying an RV -Printed Book By: Mark Polk
Published by RV Education 101 - 2007..108 pages

Owning an RV is meant to be fun. Making the wrong buying decisions can make it miserable rather than fun. If you follow the steps in this RV buying guide you will be on your way to an enjoyable RV ownership experience for years to come. Learn More

Insiders Guide to Buying an RV
This version is an INSTANT Electronic E-BOOK


More than 1,300 recreation vehicles to be on display in Hershey...

RV makers not likely to see Katrina boom ...

Hooray for Camping World Back Lot...

Use these RV safety tips to prevent accidents ...

Man severely burned in Saturday accident...

Campers Help KOA Raise $250,000 For Kids With Cancer...

THE RV INSURANCE CORNER: Learning About RV Insurance
RV Education 101 feels that prevention is the best protection. We would like to help educate you about insurance claims and bring awareness regarding subjects that you may never have considered.

Brought to you by Explorer Insurance Agency

Understanding the Specialty RV policy vs. a Typical Auto Policy
The RV lifestyle is experiencing tremendous growth, especially as the Baby Boomers increasing flock to the freedom of the RV lifestyle. In previous articles we covered the foundation of specialized RV coverage with the depreciation protection coverage options. We have also talked about full-timer coverage options as well. Let us now cover other coverage options available on a RV specialty policy that an insured can’t get on a standard auto policy........Read More

Your RV insurance can and should fit your RV. To get a free RV insurance quote with absolutely no obligation from Explorer RV Insurance Agency, Inc. call 1-888-774-6778. http://www.explorerrv.com

"The RV Book"
By: Mark Polk
is available at:
Camping World
and Wal-Mart in the RV/Auto section
or buy online here.....

**The Latest RV Education 101 E-book!!

RV Awning Use & Care E-book only $9.95 -By: Mark Polk
18 pages
Learn More
Be sure and check out all 13 information packed instant download e-books RV Education has to offer

Marks RV Video Tip of the Month

Some of our monthly RV Video Tips are designed to provide basic RV information for new RVers and some of the future RV Video Tips will cover more advanced topics. If you have any ideas for future topics you can email me at Mark@rveducation101.com

This months RV video tip is: "RV International Insurance"

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Join RV Scrapbook as a registered member, absolutely FREE, and enjoy tons of fun. Create an online RV travel journal, (RV travelogue), and keep it private - or share it with the world... It's what MySpace is for teens and twenty-somethings... just for the RV community! Imagine it... Creating your own RV camping community online is simple, and our FREE membership gives you an entire world, created by YOU, to enjoy Rving - even when you're at home. We guarantee you'll love it - and you can cancel any time.....hosted by Happy Camper RV Club.

Come join in on the fun...RV Education 101 did..take a look http://www.rvscrapbook.com

Start your half-price discount camping privileges today Not already a member? Join 1/2 price camping today!

with these 10 DVD Value Sets!

Travel Trailer / 5th Wheel 10 DVD Bargain Set A $244.50 Value, for $155.00

Class A 11 DVD Bargain Set A $270.45 Value, for $169.00

Class C 11 DVD Bargain Set A $270.45 Value, for $155.00

Pet E.R. Guide -Printed Book By: Melinda Lord
Published by Trailer Life Books-

Do you travel with pets? If so this book is a MUST have. RV Education 101 Endorses this directory of 24-Hour and After-Hour veterinary facilities in the United States. It was written by a good friend of ours. Mark and Dawn Polk HIGHLY recommend this Guide.

We had to use it on an RV trip in the mountains. Buck our Terrier had a really bad cough and was not able to rest at all. We found a Pet clinic in the directory and had him there within the hour. Buck was diagnosed with Trachial Bronchitis and given antibiotics and cough medicine. The trip was saved and Buck was very grateful! Learn More

RV Poll
Every month we include a poll on RV related issues. The poll remains on our RVUniversity.com site until the next poll is posted in the following newsletter.

Last months poll "Do you prefer:"
54.07% said: Diesel.....
45.93% said: Gas

This months poll is "Do you RV green ?"
To participate in the poll go to RVUniversity.com and look at the left sidebar.

Don't Leave Home without these great products from RV Education 101

Professional Driving Techniques for Beginners to Experienced Drivers
Drive Your Motorhome Like a Pro A book that will help people become safer, more confident drivers.

THE handbook for working on the road
Support Your RV Lifestyle 2nd Edition More than one-million live full-time in their RVs.

Deep Cycle Battery Care and Maintenance for RV's and Boats A DVD by Mark Polk that is guaranteed to save you money and headaches. Take care of your deep cycle batteries and they will take care of you.

RV Care and Maintenance A DVD for the Do-It-Yourselfer by Mark Polk

How to Buy a Used RV
Instant Download E-book By: Les Doll

Learn to make the right choice when buying an RV in a 50-minute DVD from RV Travel and the Better Business Bureau: Buying a Recreational Vehicle DVD

The RV Seminar DVD 6PACK. Live seminar presentations can't always offer numerous and sometimes cumbersome visual aids to effectively get the point across. That was the thought behind our new RV video seminar series. Seminars in video format allow Mark to present valuable information, using detailed graphics. It is the perfect solution to help educate the RV consumer.

RV Q & A by Mark Polk

*NOTE: At Mark's discretion, material might be edited to suit a wide audience. Due to the large volume of material and correspondence we receive, individual replies might not be possible, nor can we acknowledge receipt of submitted material. Selected questions will be answered in future issues of our RV Education 101 newsletter and on our site. Thank-you for your understanding.

Q.1. I have a 2002 outback 25RSS and the tires are starting to show signs of cracking. Should you purchase tires from a RV dealer or can you use automobile tires?

Q.2. Do campgrounds have pull through sites for large rigs @ 70 ft?

Q.3. Hi Mark, I really enjoy your site. We just purchased our first Class A motorhome and have a question. We were thinking of getting a cover for it but was wondering if there is an easy way to put it on and for that matter taking it off once we have it on. It sounds very hard. Any tips you might have would be very much appreciated. Thanks

Q.4. Can you please settle this argument for me. Is it true that an RV refrigerator should stay on at all times, even when not in use and that turning it off for any period of? can damage it?

Click Here to Read Mark's Answers to RV Q&A by Mark

Live Your Road Trip Dream Carol and Phil White write an indispensable guide that will answer questions that RVers as well as future Rvers have on their minds. There were several points I had never thought of until I read the White's book. One question I had never thought of explained why you need Landlord insurance if you want to rent your house instead of sell it while out on your adventures. Can you really live on the road happily for an extended time? The answer is YES! Make sure you get a copy of Live Your Road Trip Dream so you can make sure you are properly educated and know all the ins and outs of how to make YOUR dream a reality. Knowing how to plan by experiencing trial and errors through someone else is the key to a successful trip......Dawn Polk, co-owner of RV Education 101

Newsletter Archives:
To read past issues of the RV Education 101 newsletter, go to our newsletter archives

General and Unsubscribe Info

About us:

Our goal with this monthly newsletter is to provide you with helpful information to make all of your RV experiences more enjoyable. I left my position as an RV Sales and F&I manager in 2000 to start my own company, RV Education 101. We produce educational videos, DVDs and e-books on how to use and maintain your RV. The reason I left my job was due to my concern about the lack of educational and safety awareness material available to the RV consumer, in other words, you. We are a small company. My wife Dawn left her position in RV sales to help start the company and is our Sales and Marketing Director. We currently have a 35-foot Class A motor home. We have two boys, Tyler 11 and Josh 17, both avid RVers and two dogs, Gracie and Buck. Gracie is the good one. If you would like to learn more about us and RV Education 101 feel free to visit our website> www.rveducation101.com

RV Education 101 Newsletter © Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Mark J. Polk, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content.

To contact us with feedback or questions, email to: info@rveducation101.com

To subscribe, please email http://rveducation101.com/email/

To unsubscribe, please email http://rveducation101.com/email/unsubscribe.asp

RV Education 101 Newsletter is an opt-in ezine available by subscription only. We neither use nor endorse the use of spam. Your email address will ONLY be used to distribute this newsletter and will NEVER be sold or given to any other entity!!

Happy Camping,

Mark & Dawn


RV Education 101
3969 Stedman Cedar Creek Road
Fayetteville, NC 28312

Copyright 2008 by RV Education 101

RV University, a site providing Recreation Vehicle safety, RV maintenance information, RV tips, RV advice and RV instruction for using and maintaining an RV by Mark Polk.
Our best selling "how to" RV walk through orientation videos and e-book titles.